Found this guy while searching for pie charts that have been turned into cool illustrations. I enjoyed seeing
his pie chart illustration and the cake that was created to go with it. Great idea.
I found this blog. It is an art therapist's blog and I am quite fascinated!
Other things I'm going to spend more time looking at later:
Outlaw Design BlogPaper Leaf Design StudioLetterheady - vintage letterhead designs. yessss.
New topic.Geoffrey and I found a house that we really like. (Right down from Adrienne's parents' neighborhood) We were thinking it might be something that we could think about buying...until I got online and realized that it's on 39 acres and it's 350k. Figures. While it needs some work, I really love the windows in the kitchen and built in bookshelves in the living room. It also has really old, gigantic trees in the yard.
The Lord
will provide a house for us that we like, I just think our timing is a little off right now.
Just to dream a are some things I would love to have in a house: (which I think is pretty much what a lot of people want...pretty generic)
- hardwood floors (but we could do this ourselves over time)
- built ins, interesting features (our Waco rent house had bookshelves, a china cabinet and a phone nook)
- good closets
- a garage that doesn't face the street
- trees
- i like older homes but don't want to buy one that will require a complete remodel
Alright, enough dreaming for now.
Youth camp was awesome. It was great to see some teenagers get excited about following Jesus.