Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I can't believe I haven't posted in almost 2 weeks.

That's lame. I'm going to have to do better at this. Main reasons: frustration with work, busy-ness at work, and travel.

I went home to East Texas this weekend. A Lobo football game. and I love the house I grew up in. And if my sentences don't make sense...i don't care.

In other news, I'm trying desperately to figure out who I am going to vote for in the presidential election. I'm just not sure this year. I don't really like the fake-ness of either candidate. I also don't think they can live up to all of their promises. I just want people to be honest with me.

1 comment:

Keeping Up with the Jones' said...

hey jill, i'm doing well and i hope you and your new hubby are too. that book is so emotional, so dont feel alone. pretty much everyone i've talked to thats read it says the same thing. anyway i just wanted say hi and great to hear from you. xoxo