Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I'm always picking out new color palettes for different events. Of course, we all have certain colors we associate with certain things. Some of them are universal. Here's a list of some that I've started to think of that are personal...and some are also universal...

Network: blue

Christmas: red and green (and blues)

Favorite complimentary colors to use all of the time: red and green

Money: Green

Barbie: hot pink

Kitchen: red

Environment: green

Sun: yellow

Coffee: brown

Cocktails: yellow and blue

Birthday: red, yellow and blue

Wedding: white

Abbey: black

Fall: burnt colors

Light pink: frilly, legally blonde, young

Royal blue: Saturn-brand cars

Yellow: Mimosa, Pantone’s color of the year

CMYK together: everything 80’s

Red and light blue: Adrienne’s painting in my house, Nacho Libre, vintage sports

Energy: royal blue and silver

Bicycle: red, silver, white, yellow, lime green

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