Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Okay, it's been too long.

It's been snowing all day! Here's some pictures I took at the Chamber this morning.

What I've been doing lately:
- Anxiously awaiting LOST episodes every Tuesday
- Frantically grading projects/tests/tutorials for my students
- Planning bachelorette parties/going to wedding showers
- Wanting to start training for another triathlon and wondering if I'll have time
- Mourning the loss of my golden retriever Sunny(he was 14!)...I have a blog post in the works on this...
- Attending Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University...so far a very good decision
- Helping with Waco's ADDY Awards (and winning a few!)
- Designing relocation guides, quarterlies, brochures, logos...sooo much
- Trying to think of awesome blog posts
- Getting really excited for Matt and Vasha moving to Colorado (Shout out and congrats!!)
- Greeting lots of new babies in Chamber world but still not wanting one of my own
- Having my picture made with Nolan Ryan!
- Trying Indian food for the first time at the Clay Pit in Austin (yum yum)

Welp, that's all for now...I really do want to write more...


melaina said...

Jill, i'm so sorry to hear about Sunny! i hope that you and your family are ok.

Anonymous said...

Yay for blog updates!

Brandon Bellows said...

You had your picture made with Nolan Ryan? I'm jealous.

P.S. You really should blog more often. I like reading what you have to say.